Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Went to pickup the laptop from Best Buy tonight. Supposedly, the motherboard AND CPU have both been replaced. This is a pretty serious overhauling. Unfortunately, it didn't fix the problem. During an install of Windows, the system is still locking up. This is getting returned to Best Buy tomorrow for *fingers crossed* a replacement. They have had the laptop since November 14, 2006. So, for over two months now, we have not had a working laptop. The LCD screen has been replaced, the CPU and motherboard have been replaced, hinge covers have been replaced, a battery has been replaced--and all this has occurred in the last two months.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Well, a friend at work and I have begun an exciting adventure down the road of online movie rentals. Netflix was our choice. We contemplated using Blockbuster TotalAccess, but found a couple of hiccups in the way their store-exchange program works. At any rate, we've seen a couple good movies so far, and I've been able to rent some harder to find foreign gems. I'll post back here soon to let you know how it works out.