Sunday, July 23, 2006

First, some personal reflection followed by some funny links.

Well, I'm getting rather antsy to figure out if we're having a boy or a girl.  I will be excited by either one, though I would like to have a girl first, if possible.  The main reasons are because: girls are a rare thing on my mom's side of the family and my wife is really excited about sharing her Hello Kitty passion with someone (haha).  Plus, I know that my mom was hoping to have at least one daughter but didn't get one.  So it would make many people in both families happy.  I'd like a boy too, because I feel that I have a lot to teach and share.  Plus, I think I would enjoy having a "second childhood".  Don't worry, I'm not going to force my hobbies and passions on him like the stereotypical dads of the movies.  Even though the sex should be observable within 3-4 weeks, we're not actually scheduled for another ultrasound until late in September!  UGH!

Alright, now I promised you some funny videos.  These guys are great!  Check them out here:

Barats and Bereta Productions

Of particular interest are the two videos: Mother's Day and The Good Word.