Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Time for a new and meaningful post. So far, this week I have managed to work on 2 North High School teachers' computers. I see another one on the horizon potentially. This is not good or bad, as I can use the money either way. I really, really, really want to earn about $82 before tomorrow morning though. I found a great deal on Final Fantasy XI, and normally I wouldn't care about the game itself so much, but this particular game comes with a 40GB hard drive! The first thing I would probably do is connect it to the PC and copy the game's contents (for a backup, seriously). If the HD crashed, you'd lose the game! Yikes! After that, I'd hook it all up and play it. So far, I haven't heard anything about subscription fees, I wonder if there are any? If there are, I'm gonna pass on the game. Even though it's a great deal for $76.49. Well, class is starting in 5 minutes, so I better get prepared.