Saturday, April 29, 2006

Website facelift coming soon... Suggestions?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Made some revelations today.  I have some confessions to make.
  1. I love programming the Gameboy Advance
  2. I love programming in C
  3. Japanese is my favorite subject
Things on my still-have-to-do-them-before-the-semester-ends list: finish my senior project documentation (of which there is much), take some finals, pray for a few grading curves.  9 days until the semester ends.  This is going to be very sad, because I will no longer be enrolled in a Japanese course. :-(  That is actually very upsetting for me.  Japanese is really one of the only reasons I was able to get up in the morning and make myself go to class.  Well, this is going to be a fairly short post.  Until next time.