Update: Rather than uploading my select few pictures, I would rather point you to this site, which contains tons of pictures from the convention. We might even be in the background somewhere!
Wednesday, August 13, 2003

What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
I think it's cool that I got wolf because that's Lupin's nickname. The convention was great, there were at least 20,000 people there. During one of the panel discussions, somebody actually mentioned that 9,000 people pre-registered. If I had to guess, I would estimate that 500 people were dressed up in costume (for more information on this topic, Google this). There were tons of Final Fantasy characters in costume (this is common), and some of them were really awesome. Trigun was also a popular theme, followed by other shows such as: Excel Saga, Lupin the 3rd, Sailor Moon, DBZ, Vampire Hunter D, etc. We entered to win an awesome Honda Civic Si from the Anime Network booth, and we scooped up tons of free manga books, magazines, DVDs with trailers on them, T-shirts, etc. We also got to see a new series called Witch Hunter Robin, coming soon from Bandai. It looks awesome. During the trailer, they played the Evanescence song Going Under. It was the perfect song for that show. There is going to be another Love Hina TV series appearing soon (excellent show!). The trip was rather expensive, but I would say honestly that the main reason was because we were out of town for a week, and staying in various hotels for a week at a time can be quite pricey. Plus it's hard to control spending when you're surrounded by your one true passion. The bumper stickers they sell are absolutely true: "Anime: Drugs Would Be Cheaper".
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
We've returned from the honeymoon, and we're both exhausted. We actually got back yesterday at noon, but we remained at her parents' house until about midnight. Otakon was great, as it was the largest anime convention I have ever attended. Its slogans proclaim it as the "largest anime convention on the east coast." I got some pictures and whatnot, but since the USB quit working on my PC, it'll be a while before I can get them posted. Baltimore was cool, and I had no idea that Baltimore was a 10 minute drive from Washington D.C. Unfortunately, this time we were not able to squeeze in a sidetrip to see the national monuments. We picked up lots of cool freebies, and bought many new things. I'll do a more in depth review shortly.