Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This post is dedicated to my friend Ryan. We had the pleasure of eating at Lambert's restaurant in Ozark, MO, where I took this movie using our Sony T-1 camera. Please right-click and save the movie, to help me keep my bandwidth down, thanks! For those that don't know, Lambert's is world famous for throwing hot rolls to its clientele. They only throw them to you if you want one, though... it's not like they try to bean you when you aren't looking. Ryan had the (mis)fortune of seeing a lady get pegged in the side of the face though. Even though they are famous for their roll-throwing, the food is even better! When you get a soft drink, they put it in a giant insulated mug; when you get a meal, you can have all-you-can-eat of everything in that meal! I had 3 barbecue pork chops, delish!