Saturday, December 03, 2005

Two more weeks of school for the year 2005! Yippee! I have some last minute projects and papers to write, which will all be due this week, but after that a relaxed week of finals (finals are relaxing to me) and then VACATION. Hallelujah! My next semester is composed of the following classes:

  • Bowling
  • Wellness and Fitness Appraisal
  • Career Planning and Professional Development
  • Senior Software Development Project
  • Japanese 204
  • Principles of Mathematical Logic

After that light list I will graduate. I will still have one class to take: any science course that I choose with a lab. Looks like I will still have one summer course.

I'm finally making headway on the Computer Science club organization. I've held one preliminary meeting where a grand total of 5 people attended, administered one survey (to determine when people are available for meetings, activities, etc.), and worked with my advisor on a few details. At the VERY beginning of next semester will be the first official group meeting to determine the organization's goals, purpose, and direction. I'm very excited, because this could potentially turn into a USI legacy. That'd be pretty cool to be the founder of a long-lasting organization.