Thursday, May 20, 2004

This morning I followed Kristina to Raben Tire. She is dropping the Caravan off to have the Air Conditioning serviced, and then I drove her to work. On the way home, I saw some middle school kids walking to Helfrich Park, and for some reason it reminded me of all the goofy fad-like toys and gimmicks we used to play with. Among that list:

  • Zingers - Those little green tubes that made a "Zing!" noise when you blew air into them
  • Garbage Pail Kid Cards - No explanation needed
  • Hypercolor T-Shirts - Changed color depending on bodyheat
  • Trapper Keepers - Organizational binders with decorative pictures on them
  • Original Nintendo - No explanation needed
  • Colorforms - Those reusable plastic sticker/background sets, where you could put people and things in goofy places on the background
  • Legos - Everybody has had some Legos at some point
  • Rock T-Shirts - This was a big fad, groups included (don't laugh, even though it's funny!): Iron Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Def Leppard, Megadeath, etc. (I could revise the list for high school, but it's funnier to think about middle school kids wearing the shirts)
Well, that wraps up this little trip down memory lane.