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If I got enough people together, could we convince you to change your template?! :-P Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I updated my Photo Album, so that it now has a few pictures from Otakon 2003. Enjoy!!
technological archaeologist
I guess that sums it up really. Also, the links on the left will be working again shortly, as I was keen enough to download my pages before switching ISPs. Give me a day or so on those.
I've been swearing for ages that I would find and use a new comment system, and I've finally switched to HaloScan. I've never seen goofy problems or ridiculous downtime with their system, so let's give the new system a test drive!
I recently tried the ePSXe Playstation Emulator and realized that my system plays games too fast, I had to slow the emulator down to 60fps because it was running at 300+fps! Yikes! I also tried out a couple of Gameboy Advance emus and they seem to be working rather nicely. Anybody else have thoughts or game recommendations for the emulators?