Friday, December 05, 2003

WinMX evidently has a severe VULNERABILITY. I just spent a good 20 minutes removing the damn WORM_PUROL.A virus. At least it didn't do anything really nasty. Now I'm pissed because I don't even want to use WinMX, which sucks, because there was a song I really wanted to hear. And don't try to tell me about KAZAA, the biggest spyware piece-o-crap P2P program out there. Did I mention that I don't like Kazaa? This one goes out to Tony: Don't DIS my template man, because this is what I see when I visit your blog-which-only-works-on-Internet-Explorer:

Click here to view

If I got enough people together, could we convince you to change your template?! :-P Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I updated my Photo Album, so that it now has a few pictures from Otakon 2003. Enjoy!!

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Today, I added a webcam feature. I'm not likely to use this very much, but you never know! The link will always be right over there on the left, so give it a shot!
In my defense of the new template, please check out the following screen capture:

This is what I see using Mozilla on Windows XP.
I am no longer going to title my posts. If you haven't already noticed, I'm using a new theme. It's not the prettiest out there, but I've seen worse. HA! I named this theme "Treehugger Sage". What do you think? I like making themes, but damn it's time consuming. Being the neurotic person that I am, I cannot ... lemme rephrase ... WILL NOT use other people's templates! I also removed some of the clutter of the site, such as my guest book which is never used and several dead links. I will have my archives up as soon as I feel like it. If you're new, say "Hi" and if you've been hanging around here for a while, say "Hi ... again".

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

New Templates Coming Soon

I guess that sums it up really. Also, the links on the left will be working again shortly, as I was keen enough to download my pages before switching ISPs. Give me a day or so on those.

New Comment System

I've been swearing for ages that I would find and use a new comment system, and I've finally switched to HaloScan. I've never seen goofy problems or ridiculous downtime with their system, so let's give the new system a test drive!

I recently tried the ePSXe Playstation Emulator and realized that my system plays games too fast, I had to slow the emulator down to 60fps because it was running at 300+fps! Yikes! I also tried out a couple of Gameboy Advance emus and they seem to be working rather nicely. Anybody else have thoughts or game recommendations for the emulators?