I thought it was high time for an update. Sorry if any readers have been annoyed with my lack of posts. First, an update of my grandma's condition. She is stable, but is still sedated and now on dialysis. I guess things were taking a while to heal. Unfortunately, she has pneumonia, emphysema, and COPD. My grandpa's birthday was a couple days ago, which makes me feel really bad for him. Some of my aunts went home, including the one from Indianapolis. I love my family to death, and I realize that my grandma is their mother, but sometimes they are hysterical with the drama of the moment. As an example, a gentleman who turned out to be my grandpa's friend called up to the hospital. He happens to be a preacher. Now nobody is sure exactly what he said when the ICU (intensive care unit) answered the phone, but one of my aunts thinks he "falsely" identified himself as my grandma's preacher. She snatched the phone out of the nurse's hands and demanded to know who was calling. The gentleman on the phone identified himself as a preacher, and said he'd like to come to Evansville and express sympathies for the difficult time our family was having. Well, because my aunt thinks everything is a conspiracy and is only primarily concerned about her own well-being, she said that she (my aunt) wasn't ready for that. Nevermind the fact that he is a friend of my grandpa's, or that he only meant well... my aunt didn't feel like having him visit. Why must my family turn everything into a 3-ring circus?
I went and saw The Terminal with Angel, Ryan, and my wife tonight. It was great! It was funny, a little sad in some parts, but overall an excellent movie. Screw you critics who slammed it!
I talked to a gentleman this morning about an exciting business opportunity. He needs some help setting up a program to do as he wishes. He has accomplished some amazing feats with his one-man show, and I hope that he's serious about keeping me around. This could turn out to be the career. One of my summer professors recommended me to this guy, and he's really gung-ho about his new business. I don't want to really spell out any specifics, because it could hurt the starting up process. Perhaps when I know more, or things get moving, I can divulge some more information.
My schedule this week:
- Sunday 6-27-04 Off
- Monday 6-28-04 4p-9:15p
- Tuesday 6-29-04 Off
- Wednesday 6-30-04 3p-9:30p
- Thursday 7-01-04 6p-10p
- Friday 7-02-04 Off
- Saturday 7-03-04 3:30p-10:45p