Ha! I updated my system a little bit... if you want to call it that! Instead of my K6-2 350 Mhz processor, I now have a 400 Mhz K6-2 CPU installed. I also dropped in an extra 64MB of PC100 memory. With the new working fan, my CPU temp has dropped to a measley 40 degrees! Also, when I finished my brother's system, I realized he needed a modem. His old USR 56k modem was the awesome ISA version (Not a winmodem!). Guess what? His new motherboard doesn't have ISA slots, so he couldn't use it. Now I use it, connect faster, and he got my old modem (which was nice too, but a winmodem). Sometime in the next few days, I'll switch my power supply from an AT to an ATX. Also on the agenda is fixing my brother's old system. It's a Celeron 400Mhz system. Here's my brother's new specs:
Hopefully, I'll get down to the festival soon. I've been dying for a Gyro. There's a quote (ha ha) "I've been dying for a Gyro."
CPU | AMD XP 1700+ @ 1.45Ghz |
Memory | 512MB PC2100 DDR [(2) 256MB modules] |
Hard Disk | Western Digital 80GB |
CD-RW | XTasy 40x12x48 CD-RW drive |
Video Card | GeForce4 MX 64MB DDR |
Monitor | 19" KDS .25mm dot pitch |
Motherboard | Asus A7N266-VM (nForce 420D chipset) |
with onboard LAN, Dolby Digital sound, SPDIF, | |
(6) USB ports, onboard GeForce2 GPU |
Hopefully, I'll get down to the festival soon. I've been dying for a Gyro. There's a quote (ha ha) "I've been dying for a Gyro."