Saturday, January 25, 2003

I want free money

That's right, folks. I would like to have a bunch of free money. My teaching stint is turning sour, because there is an extreme lack of work available. Tomorrow, I'm going to the career fair from 10am-2pm. Hopefully, it will yield some fruitful results. If there were just some way to get a million people to send me a quarter. Hmm... Let me know if you have any ideas on how I could legally pull that off. Thanks!

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Racism in the Spotlight

Last night, I had the privilege of seeing the documentary film "Two Towns of Jasper" on PBS. The movie was about the hate crime that occurred in Jasper, TX, where a black man was dragged behind a truck for several miles down a deserted road until he eventually died. The documentary was filmed by two men, one black and one white. The black families were filmed by the black director, and the white families were filmed by the white director. The filmmakers were both raised in middle class families, and both attended ivy league colleges (Harvard, I believe). They did an excellent job of keeping the black and white views as pure as possible, in other words, the people filmed were very honest about their feelings and it showed. There was a piece on Oprah about this movie earlier in the week which is what prompted my interest. I highly recommend this movie to everyone. Granted, the details of the crime are very gruesome and may turn your stomach, but the movie is about more than just the crime. It's about racial tension, why it exists, and with any luck, what we can do about it.

Monday, January 20, 2003

Indy Trip Cancelled

Well, I'm quite bummed at how things turned out for our Indianapolis trip. As it turns out, Kristina's business trip had too many strict arrangements that simply couldn't be compromised, so I'm staying home. I'm gonna miss her. Guess I'll finish reading this second book on Assembly language. Speaking of programming related projects, I just re-typed a project out of one of my Java books. It's a very basic emulator, but a good starting point for many people. If you can figure out what the few Java lines are trying to do, you could easily make this with another language (Visual Basic, anyone?). I'd be glad to help anyone that wants to try it out. I did a while back, and it was an excellent learning experience.