Friday, December 23, 2005

Report Card Update
  • A - Business Communications
  • A - Programming Languages
  • C - Intermediate Japanese
  • A - Biology
  • B - Management of Organizational Behavior

Which is almost exactly what I had predicted, with the exception of a slightly higher grade in Programming Languages. The 'A' in that class is very welcome, as I failed the class the last time I took it, due to several reasons including:

  1. Lack of motivation to complete the homework
  2. Lack of motivation to complete the final project
  3. Mediocre test scores
Also interesting is that I earned an 'A' in Business Communications, which I earned a 'D' in at Ivy Tech. That was my only non-A class at Ivy Tech. It ruined my 4.0. So it's kind of like a "haha! Take that Ivy Tech!" kind of moment.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Now this was clever. Evidently, some guy in France (a worker for ZDNet, I assume) has a blog hosted on's servers. He decided to get all up on his soapbox and talk smack about the Xbox 360. This is fine, who cares... But the dumbass decided to just link to somebody else's picture of a 360. This left him wide open for a funny little gag. The person noticed that many people were looking at the picture of his Xbox 360 from ZDNet's servers, so he decided to change the picture to something a little more... attention-getting. Although he edited his blog to not point at the picture anymore, it can still be seen at the link above in Google's cache.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Superman's Super-Penis

Slashdot reported about this humorous article, highlighting an account of what to do when a superhero's penis is too "distracting" for the big screen.

You know what movies and TV Shows I like?
  • Wargames
  • Tron
  • Mr. Merlin
  • Lost (When it isn't on a 6-week hiatus)
  • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Harry Potter
  • Cloak & Dagger
  • Thrashin' (Old school and funny)