Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Today, I picked up the Ford Contour from AAA. I'm driving again, yippee! Even cooler, tonight I handed in one of my last remaining assignments. Tomorrow, I need to go to Target and pick myself up a suit, or at the very least a sportscoat, shirt, and tie. Then I will be prepared for my presentation on Friday. I still gotta do a made-up programming language, give the presentation, take a Biology test tomorrow (no final for me, 'cause I had perfect attendance), do some stuff for Japanese class, blah blah blah... I'm getting happy because the pressure is slowly lifting from my shoulders...

Don't forget to write Santa a letter!

And don't forget to check out the cool shirts at Threadless.

Oh yeah, and after that, check out the Xbox360 Ad that was canned.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Tonight's post is dedicated to the homework that I have left this semester.

  • Japanese Diary Entries
  • 5-page paper covering an interview with my boss
  • Design a new programming language
  • Write a 2-minute speech about my fake software company (group project, totaling 10 minutes)
  • Finishing my Biology lab book worksheets
  • Studying for a slew of tests and finals this week and next week

I hate pressure, but I get terribly bored without it. Go figure.