Saturday, June 14, 2003

Saturday Bidness

This has been a weird day. At about 1:00am, Kristina woke up and went home. Well, on her way out, she went to grab her work clothes and picked up my pants too! This was a problem because my pants had my keys, wallet, etc. in the pockets. Sooooo, before work this morning, she came over to redeliver my pants. haha! Well, I promised her that I would eat lunch with her, which unfortunately clashed with Tim and I's plans of going to the mall. Well, I tried to call Tim and tell him that I wanted to push the time back, but his phone was busy! So now it's 15 minutes before I was supposed to meet him, so I went to the mall to break the news to him. Rather than make the trip a complete waste, I brought the DVD of "City Hunter" featuring Jackie Chan and the almost famous Street Fighter II scene. He'll love it. We also went down to Electronics Boutique for just a short bit, it was fun. We made fun of the action figures, talked about game stuff and some goofy movies. Tim bought the game Mister Mosquito for me as a late birthday present! It's so cool! Well, that's all for now, I'll update again later if possible.

Sunday, June 08, 2003

Bunches o' Updates

Okay, I guess I'll start out chronologically.

Kristina went to Integra Bank and got pre-approved for our home loan, now all we have to do is pick a home out. We've got our eye on a house in Mt. Vernon, from the sound of it, it's pretty sweet. Almost 2,000 square feet, with detached garage, for around $62k. Supposed to go look at it with our realtor and family friend, George Postletheweight.

When I got home, there were 2 police cars, a red pickup truck, and an Insight Cable van in front of my house. I asked the cable guy what the bust was, and he replied, "See that red truck? The guy was driving down the road smoking a crack pipe and had a 12-guage shotgun on his front seat. They've already hauled him off though." Thinking that the weirdest part of my day was over, Kristina and I left to meet Angel and Todd at Los Bravos at around 5:30ish. On the way, we saw a lady completely plow into the side of a 2000+ Silver Mustang with about 5 people inside. Accidents look really weird and fake in real life. It looks like an illusion, and conjures up conflicting emotions of doubt and belief. Los Bravos was weird. For the first time in the history of Los Bravos, they couldn't figure out what Angel and Todd ordered! They seemed to be really damned confused (so were we). Todd and Angel gave me some games for my birthday. I got the Double Dare (old Nickelodeon gameshow) game, and the eBay Auction game. Maybe someday, we can round everyone up and try 'em out. We did have fun, though, because after dinner, we went to Dairy Queen where Todd scared this teenage guy working there. He acted like he was gonna take the napkin dispenser, told some lady that she had great hearing and that she'd make a great mom one day, then proceeded to ask her if she was single. He's really f-cked up sometimes. haha! Then we went to Best Buy where I got the Animatrix DVD for $9.99 (GREAT!). Some guy started talking to us about his awesome anime collection, so we tuned him out like instantly, although he kept following us around and trying to talk. He telling Todd about some speakers or some crap, and Angel walked away yelling, "He's a cheap bastard, if those speakers aren't $2, he ain't gonna buy 'em!" Kristina and I were about to burst into tears/laughter.

Did some heavy cleaning in my apartment. I threw away bucketloads of unidentifiable items which were, at one time, food I think. I had to take several hundred (okay, about 5 or 6) trash bags down to the cans behind the house in the alley. My vacuum cleaner was broken, so I changed the bag, it was full and solid like a brick. Still didn't work. Pulled out the trusty Phillips head screwdriver, and checked the belt, it was broken, so I promptly replaced it. voila! Good as new. The refrigerator was the nastiest thing because at one time, I had a huge round steak sealed (supposedly) in a plastic bag thawing inside. This turned into a leaky bloody mass of syrupy proportions, nearly gluing everything that touched the bottom of the fridge... to the bottom of the fridge. I do not wish to ever repeat this experience... ever. We also went to my parents' house in Sebree, although more accurately, it's my mom's house since my dad seems to forget that he's supposed to reside there. This was a make-up celebration for me, and a pre-celebration for my brother, whose birthday falls one week after mine (June 10). My mom prepared a turkey, mashed potatoes, brown-n-serve rolls, black-eyed peas, giblet gravy, etc. It was great, my mom r0x0rz. She c00x0rz with insane mad ninja skills too. She gave me the best card in the world, because it says what I've always wanted to hear from my mom. To paraphrase: that I've turned out to be a wonderful man. I also got a badminton/volleyball set. I love volleyball, even with my height deficiency! I also scored a gray Polo shirt that is too big, it's going back tomorrow.

We will be driving to Louisville, KY to meet a friend for yet more birthday celebrations. I'm starting to feel like Bill Murray on Groundhog Day, like my birthday will never end. For something that turned out so bad, it certainly made up for it by the end of the weekend. This will be a co-celebration, to celebrate my birthday AND Andrew's (June 7th). Instead of driving a full 4-hours to his house, we're just gonna meet in Louisville and see what's there. Should be a ton of fun.

Well, I think that about wraps up this update. If you had any bizarre or peculiar experiences, by all means, post it... I wanna talk about weird crap.