I went and retrieved my brother last night. He'll be staying this weekend, and returning Sunday. We have some catching up to do. Hey! If you type in the two words: Evansville blog into Google I have 2 entries that show up on the first page. A link to this page is #3, and a link to my BlogTree entry is #9. Sweet! If you haven't checked it out, BlogTree is a place where you can sort of 'map' yourself into a giant family tree of blogs. It's kind of neat. My friends Kate and Alek inspired me to start my blog, so they are my 'parent' blogs. I don't have any children or sibling blogs yet. I got breakfast to eat (YAY!), later!
Saturday, March 08, 2003
I went and retrieved my brother last night. He'll be staying this weekend, and returning Sunday. We have some catching up to do. Hey! If you type in the two words: Evansville blog into Google I have 2 entries that show up on the first page. A link to this page is #3, and a link to my BlogTree entry is #9. Sweet! If you haven't checked it out, BlogTree is a place where you can sort of 'map' yourself into a giant family tree of blogs. It's kind of neat. My friends Kate and Alek inspired me to start my blog, so they are my 'parent' blogs. I don't have any children or sibling blogs yet. I got breakfast to eat (YAY!), later!
Friday, March 07, 2003
Too bad I couldn't eat some this morning. I started my day off right by getting up early, getting prepared on time, venturing off to one of my favorite breakfast destinations... yes, that's right, I'm talking about Main Street McDonald's. I proceed to order the usual, which is their current special (i.e. Two sausage egg McMuffins for $2.22) and an ice water. As always, the service is fast and friendly, suddenly I realize that my Visa card is not in my wallet. "I'll be right back, I have to go to my car," I said. After checking my car to no avail, I think, if this seems possible, that my stomach kicked my ass. Great... Now, I return to the restaurant and grovel that I lost my Visa, apologized and left hungry. I hate mornings.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
No matter what anybody tells you, do not... I repeat do not wake up at 1:35, rush to your car so that you can make your USI appointment by 2:00pm, running out of gas soon after by Bristol Myers on the Lloyd Expressway, then coast down a hill and have some strange guy in a white van (we all remember the stories about the white van, don't we?) give you a lift to the nearest gas station, only to realize that you have to buy the gas can because they don't loan them, and then fill up said can followed by travelling back to the car, whereupon you try to fill your gas tank but instantly realize that the gas can is a piece of shit which leaks gas all over your hands and good clothes, but manages to dribble enough into your thirsty little tank to get you to the next NEXT gas station where gas is priced lower on the unreasonable price totem pole, where you proceed to fill it up and finally spit and sputter your way to said appointment albeit 15 minutes late, only to find that upon closer scrutinization, you're not even sure what this appointment was supposed to do for you, other than disturb your nap and run you out of gas. This post was only 2 sentences.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Alright, after much procrastination, I finally edited and uploaded the pictures that I took on the trip. I also added my photo album link over on the left for easy future access. I'm wondering when Tim is going to start posting and publishing some of his comics online... One thing is for sure, the boy has writing talent. I can easily imagine what a great short story he could write. I'll have to ask him if he's written anything like that. I updated some links in my template, but they aren't showing up yet, because of some Blogger problem, so we'll try again in the morning. Not much happened today, but on Wednesday I'll be subbing for Ms. Walker and on Friday, Mrs. Lamble. Out.
Sunday, March 02, 2003
The trip has ended, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. In order to proceed to the national BPA competition in Dallas, finalists have to place in the Top 4 of their category. North High School sent 9 people to state for Visual Basic programming, and of those 9, 5 were in the Top 11 (out of approximately 40 participants), and 2 are going to the nationals! There was another student who participated in 2 events, Computer Networking Technology and PC Servicing and Troubleshooting, and he wrote his ticket to nationals with a 1st and 3rd place. Congratulations to these students:
- Brian Bates
- Greg Haller
- Scott Mueller
Tonight, a very small group of us went to see "Spirited Away" aka Sen to Chihiro. The movie was very good, and after the slower-than-usual beginning, the movie took right off and was over before we knew it. Although it was very good, I do have difficulty understanding how it broke so many Japanese movie records. Thanks for taking the time to come and see the movie with us, Tony and Kate.