Today, when I got home from dropping off a library book, there were 6 Mexican guys across the street trying to push a van off of a tow trailer. They couldn't do it. The reason? The van was in park. Why was the van in park? They lost the keys. Where was the van from? Wisconsin. I helped them anyway and they thanked me, but it sure was a weird situation looking back on it. Oh well.
Thursday, February 27, 2003
Today, when I got home from dropping off a library book, there were 6 Mexican guys across the street trying to push a van off of a tow trailer. They couldn't do it. The reason? The van was in park. Why was the van in park? They lost the keys. Where was the van from? Wisconsin. I helped them anyway and they thanked me, but it sure was a weird situation looking back on it. Oh well.
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
That's right! I just got official e-mail stating that Spirited Away will start THIS Friday at Stadium 16. The downside? I'll be out of town until Sunday. If you're down with seeing it on Sunday Night, please post a message. I'll let everyone know the final plans on here in a day or so. Hopefully, Kristina is off work in the evening Sunday. Hope we can get it lined out!
Update: Sunday is a definite go... the movie starts at 6:30pm at Kerasotes Stadium 16, please arrive early and meet us inside near the arcade. The movie is 125 minutes, so you can expect to be out by 8:30 or so. Hopefully, we can make it a big shindig. Everyone is invited, please come and bring your friends, it'll be great fun.
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
I finally broke down and downloaded the trial version of Flash from Macromedia's website. Although I get disgruntled working with the web sometimes, I find myself enjoying it more and more. Perhaps one day, somebody would like for me to professionally do their site. I really like Mozilla, but I'm thinking about downloading Opera for the sake of testing cross-compatible HTML. I've never been an artsy type person really, but I'm starting to enjoy thinking about art and design (strictly in the hobby/personal interest sense). I am in the process of applying at USI. My transcripts (college and high school) are on their way to the campus now, and I have the application and fee ready to hand over. I am unsure of what this is going to do to me financially. I do know that most computer related jobs require a Bachelor's degree (which is what I'm working towards). I'm eligible for a Pell Grant still which is nice, and hopefully I'll snag some scholarships from the university as well. Peace out.
Monday, February 24, 2003
Forewarning: These sentences are in no particular order whatsoever, and attempting to follow the train of thought may cause injury to you or those around you. Now, without further adieu...
I really dislike cold weather, but like to shovel snow. I'm reading a health book (!). The internet is officially boring now. Drawing with Adobe Illustrator is fun. More blog templates are on the way, including BlogSpot friendly ones. I've been thinking a lot about wedding plans. I saw Scooby Doo (the movie) last night, it was funny, but I'm patting myself on the back now for not spending $7 to go see it. The new management at Buck's Pizza sucks, don't go there. Today, for the first time in a while, I felt like selling all of my material possessions so that I could have a clean apartment. Boy, Moulin Rouge is a good movie, can't wait to see Chicago.