Saturday, November 09, 2002

Just found this on AD Vision's site:

HOUSTON, November 6, 2002 - ADV Films today announced publicly the creation of The Anime Network™, the first television channel in North America dedicated to anime (Japanese animation) and anime-related content. The Anime Network™ targets the nation's estimated 85 million cable television subscribers, and seeks to capitalize on cable's increasing dominance in the world of at-home entertainment.
There's a new survey up. With the holidays just around the corner, I figured why not post something holiday related. Also, for those that don't mind participating, feel free to post the worst (or best) gift you ever received in the comment section of this message. Make sure you specify if it was the best or worst. I can already foresee that this year is going to bad for me again, although it will be "better" than recent years. I guess I can turn that statement into "This year will be a smidgeon better than previous years." There we go, I'll try to look on the bright side of things instead of dwelling on the bad. I think today will be spent mainly at Kristina's house. I have laundry to do, a computer to finish setting up, and will probably rent Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PS2. If Kristina's brother is home, we'll play games. I wonder if any of my students read my blog ... bye!

Friday, November 08, 2002

For those of you that may not have noticed, you may post comments on the blog again. I turned a sub job down this morning, because I'm still not feeling 100% after the funeral. Originally, I was very upset with my dad because he didn't show up at the funeral, so I called him yesterday afternoon. We talked for a while, and afterwards, I wasn't mad at him anymore. When it comes to heart-felt discussions with my dad, we've only shared a small handful, and yesterday was one of those. I'm really missing my dad these days, and I'd like to see him again really soon. Maybe I'll invite him to lunch today. Looking forward to better days...

Thursday, November 07, 2002

I haven't decided which is more painful,
Having lost you or never truly knowing you.

Although we were not close,
I am affected.

This is the time when people learn who you were.
Now that you are gone, I am full of regret.
For you were a truly great woman,
And with your love,
You built our wonderful family.

I have so many ties to you,
Not purely by blood.
You taught my father to read,
As he did for me.

Our family's heritage was linked to us
directly through you.
Now that you are gone, I am full of regret.

That cord has been cut,
you have been set free.
You will be missed.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

My oldest living relative, my great-grandmother Griffin, died yesterday. I'm getting ready to leave for the showing at this moment, but I'm really nervous. The showing is at Tapp Funeral Homes in Henderson, KY. She was in her 90s and had been in the hospital for a while. I hope I don't fall apart like I did at the last funeral I attended. I have a funny way of being numb at first, then I get these terrible heart-wrenching pains of loss, followed by a cold loneliness that takes a day or two to get over. I guess psychologists break those stages down into: denial of loss, feelings of loss, and questioning one's own mortality. She won't be there for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, and I'm already skipping the denial phase... I had better go and at least mourn at the proper place.

Monday, November 04, 2002

Currently, I'm revising yet another resumé. I still plan on subbing for a while, but it really depends on if I get enough work doing it. For instance, I pretty much decided that I would sub until the end of this year. However, if I only get work like twice a week, I'm going to be looking elsewhere. I'm going to fax my resume out to a few places, complete with cover letters, among those places: Evansville Online, Sigcorp, Sigecom (again), American General Finance, IBM. I have some backup places in mind, but I once heard a very wise (and true) thing: "If you have a backup plan, you'll fall back on it." I'm trying to only focus on the places that will pay me what I'm worth.

Specific jobs that I will not take:
  • Sales (computer, or otherwise)
  • Food
  • Secretarial

The reason? I've done those jobs all my life, now I have a college degree... I'm entitled to move up to something better.

Specific jobs that I would not hesitate to take:
  • Entry-level Java developer
  • Entry-level Visual Basic developer
  • JSP application developer
  • Help Desk for an IT department
  • Webmaster -or- Web Development