Thursday, August 21, 2003

We're Homeowners!

It's official! We now own the house!


We hung out at the new place for about 30-45 minutes today. We'll be preparing for the move the next few days. Hopefully, by Sunday we'll be staying there officially.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

House Update!

Today, at 11:30am I received a phone call from my beloved wife. "Guess what?" she said. "We're closing on the house tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm." Hooray, I say! This is like getting one hand freed from my "taped to a chair" status.

Life on Hold

If you know what it's like to be put on hold during a phone conversation, then you understand exactly the way my life feels right now. I mean there's no school at the moment, everytime the phone rings we're hoping it's the realtor, and now that we've paid for the wedding our funds are a tad low. In other words, it feels as if I've been duct-taped to a chair (for more information on that, go here). I'm working at Bristol Myers again, but it's only for 2-3 more weeks. The best comparison for what I do is this:

  • Acquire a migraine headache
  • Stare at words and numbers that seemingly have no meaning for 8 hours
  • Feel like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders
  • Make decisions where your only choices seem like wrong answers
In a nutshell, that's my job. Yesterday, I managed to do about 3 documents. There are hundreds more to do.

My friend, Den, from Japan has been writing a lot more often now. He has a renewed interest in opening up the anime store again. Also, he has time and money to invest now. This is great news. I'm super stoked about it, since I just witnessed 20,000 people literally throwing their money at the salespeople in the dealer room at Otakon. He needs some information, which I am about to research and provide (when I get off from work, of course). That's all for now.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Some Photos Uploaded

Click here to see them. Please bear in mind that I was only able to upload 1/3 of the pictures, and I believe these are from the wedding only (i.e. No convention pics yet). Also note the identical link on the left bar.