Saturday, March 20, 2004

Time totally flies when I'm not paying attention. I'm hungry, which is funny since I was just reminiscing over our funny conversations about puking at school last night whilst we ate at Los Bravos. This sucks, I'm already bored, and I've only been awake for about an hour. Argh.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

For those NOT in the know (everybody except my wife), I am now technically an employee of Best Buy. I am taking my drug test today, and will probably be going in for orientation on Monday night. I'm very excited, as there are many nice people and perks involved. More to come later!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

If you're a fan of either Homestar Runner, They Might Be Giants, or better yet both then you are in for a special treat this week. I'm getting ready to visit the page now, as I just received news from They Might Be Giants that they were being featured in Strongbad's e-mail. If you like it, post me a comment!


Well, apparently they weren't featured, unless they wrote the music in that e-mail, and if they did, they weren't credited. Dammit.

Monday, March 15, 2004


This semester started out very strong, and I've let myself slip a little. Today I am resolving to get back on the horse. I didn't get my FAFSA completed on time which, if you know me, means I won't be eligible for an entire year's worth of grant/scholarship money. This is a major setback. I can still borrow money to attend school, but it's going to hurt me very much. I just finished speaking with my English professor about a late assignment. She was very nice, I just wish that I had done my work over spring break like I promised myself. I probably wouldn't be in this boat now.

My Night School class is tonight too, and I haven't prepared like I promised myself. Do you see a pattern here? I'm not the multi-tasker that I fancy to be. I can write software that multi-tasks, but I can't do it myself. I have a one-track mind that can focus only on a single task at a time. I want to do too much in too short of time. I'd like to see everyone and spend time with them, but instead I usually spend most of my days/evenings at home thinking about doing my work/reading. Sometimes, I'm just not very bright.