Thursday, September 25, 2003

College + Work = Ow

Yeah, I've bitched about that before, but if you didn't like my incessant bitching, you wouldn't be here reading this page anyway. BTW, that's Griffin's Theorem of Overworkitude. Technically, I'm not allowed to bitch, because I brought it all on myself. But since I'm a rule breaker (haha) I can do what I want, as long as my wife doesn't get mad (haha!).

In my CS 365 course, I have to design part of an operating system. This is a good thing, because it's the silly type of thing that I dream about. Jokingly, I had thought many times about designing S.O.S. (which is a double entendre for [Secure/Shitty] Operating System). I guess the name would be based on the results of the final product. Although I hate hearing someone ramble on about Process Scheduling, Memory Management, Device Management, etc., I enjoy the course because it puts me at the apex of my geekitude. Please hold your applause. Well, I must wash a dish or two... thousand, so I'll be heading out. The posts should be coming a little more often, just don't expect daily posts for a while. Tata!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

PC Problems

Well, the only exciting thing that's happened recently is my PC turning into a large bleeding rectum of a PC. Well, not literally, perhaps a steaming turd is a better metaphor. Either way, it ticks me off nonetheless. Since my wife has a great PC right behind me running a Win32 flavored OS, I am switching over (completely) to Linux. This decision was made partly by the fact that I'm a Computer Science major, and partly due to the fact that I'm sick of not having control over what my programs are doing. When the new PC gets built, and my HD space goes up considerably, I'll run a dual-boot system. And now for a joke straight from my CS 365 (Operating Systems) class: (in reference to the upcoming test)

Prof. Mabis: There won't be any of those freshman-level questions on the test, you know the ones like, "How do you spell BSD?"
Ah it was funniness.