Today's physical therapy wasn't too bad. I'm now doing the following list of exercises:
- squats
- stool scoots (funny name, I know)
- using a balancing board
- squatting on the balancing board
- something that resembles chopping wood on a weird balancing board while simultaneously crouching forward
- riding an exercise bike
- single-leg squats on something that resembles a cot with a sliding mattress
- pushing/pulling on a weighted machine with my knee
- Reverse integers (i.e. 4321 becomes 1234)
- Test palindromes (i.e. "a man a plan a canal panama" is the same forwards and backwards)
- Write out protected check amounts (i.e. "$ 1.00" becomes "$*****1.00")
- A Tic-Tac-Toe game