Friday, August 01, 2003

Operation: Dine with Minister

Today, we will be eating with the officiant to discuss our ceremony. We'll be ironing out the little details that haven't been discussed yet. We're meeting at Tumbleweed at 11:30am. The officiant's name is Kerry Davis, and he is a long-time friend of Kristina's mom as well as a former co-worker of mine at Bristol Myers. He's a very nice guy, and a suitable substitute for our first choice in holy men. I can't believe the rate at which it is all happening, it just seems like a date that was once so far away has appeared on the event horizon faster than a jack rabbit on a hot date. Just in case anybody is wondering, every post directly related to the wedding is titled as Operation because I feel like we're always on secret missions to ensure the wedding's success. Did I mention before that when we infiltrated the county clerk's office to retrieve our marriage license, they gave us a "Newlywed Gift Package"? There wasn't anything nasty in it, but it was a bunch of samples of cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products (i.e. toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.). So the $18 we spent on the license also got us a bag of goodies! More later!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Operation: Retrieve Wedding Bands...Success!

Yesterday, Kristina and I went to the mall and paid off the account for our wedding bands. We now have 2 spiffy matching wedding bands. Check back in a day or so for some high quality photographs of the rings. Here's an embarrassing fact: I still need to hand-deliver some invitations to the following people (of all people):

  • Mr. and Mrs. Brenner
  • Mr. and Mrs. Shawhan
  • Michele Krietenstein
  • The 5 Crazy Guys
I should be delivering those today. *fingers crossed*

Monday, July 28, 2003

Operation: Secure Marriage License...Success!

As of 12:25pm, we have secured the documentation! We now have all necessary mumbo-jumbo out-of-the-way. This will allow our wedding to go smoothly and without hitch. Well, I promised an update about the license, so there it was!

Correction: The Department of Health does NOT require the man to provide proof of Rubella immunization, only women under the age of 50.

Marriage License

In order to have a legally binding wedding, we are going to the courts building today to file an application for the marriage license. Hopefully, this goes without a hitch, otherwise we'll have a bitch of a time trying to find time and get other crap together to appease the almighty city clerk. According to what they said on the phone, we need 2 things:

  1. Proof of Birth (Birth certificate, or any legal document that proves birth, although the fact that I will be standing in front of them should be proof enough, ba dum dum! :-)
  2. Immunization records showing that we've both had Rubella shots
I think that's it. Of course if they need other immunization records, they will already be on the papers we bring with Rubella information. Doesn't Rubella sound like it could be a famous drag queen's name? I'm sure you noticed the new wedding countdown feature located at the top of the page. That's all for now. Expect an update soon in regards to the marriage license.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Sunday Night

Went to Tony's and brought Tim's copy of Shaolin Soccer on DVD. He loved it. Their family got a new puppy, which is a small chihuahua currently going by the name of "dog". This will of course change in the near future. It is a baby chihuahua, hence it is not only small, but really really small. In reference to the dog, in a chat session before I left, Tony had this to say about the new pooch:

tony: Yeah. My dog's leaping onto the keyboard. By leap, I mean Super Mario Bros. jumping motherfucker.
It was funny stuff. Tony's dad came into his room and gave me $20 as a wedding gift, and apologized because he and Margie won't be able to make it to the wedding. I tried to refuse, but you know how that goes. In 10 more minutes, it will be 7 days until the wedding!

P.S. For anyone confused about who Tony might be, he's a long-time friend of mine from a while back. Just thought I'd clear that up in case anybody (including Tony Asher) thought I was making up weird stories about going to Tony Asher's place.


Thursday, I stayed home from work because I had what can only be described as a kidney infection. My kidneys were aching so bad I wanted to cry. Kristina came over and brought me some donuts. After we ate them, she poured us a nice BIG glass of milk which we downed almost instantly. Many hours later that day, I looked in the fridge only to notice that there were about 3 or 4 jugs of milk in there. There was (1) gallon jug of 2%, and (2) half-gallon jugs of skim. All of them were expired except for the new unopened half-gallon she had bought that morning. I called for Kristina in the other room and asked which jug she poured our milk from... she replied, "The one that expires on the 23." There was only one jug that had 23 on it, and it was slated for expiration on JUNE 23. Yes, I had drank about 18 oz. of milk that was one month past the date. That didn't kill me or affect me, but I did happen to catch the same thing that was ailing Kristina which is a scratchy throat, hot and cold chills, and a stopped up nose. I hope this crap will end soon so I can have a peaceful wedding without being cooped up in a bed.